Spain through the lens of bullfighting: an interview with journalist Abraham Mahshie

Journalist Abraham Mahshie has spent years immersing himself in the world of Spanish bullfighting. In this interview with Nicolás A. Jiménez, he explains how he went about earning the credibility to rub elbows with toreros, lays out his perspective on the animal rights issues that make the spectacle controversial, and talks about an upcoming book project.
(Thumbnail and preview images by Andy Astencio)
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Nicolás Antonio Jiménez is the founder of DADE. He’s always working through his rotation of writer, podcast host, podcast producer, photographer and editor hats.
A Miami native and graduate of the Missouri School of Journalism, Nick’s background includes work in democracy promotion, human rights advocacy, content marketing and magazine journalism (most recently as senior editor of Cigar Snob).