podcasts, Pan Con Podcast, artists, Art & CultureMichael Beltráninterview, podcast, Michael Beltran, culture, Entrepreneurship, Cuban, Miami, Miami Spice, Problem Kids, Mario Obregon, music
Hip-hop, Cuba, Miami and the creative process with Mario Obregón of Problem Kids
Mario Obregón is a founding member of the band Problem Kids. Their fusion of hip-hop with Caribbean rhythms is as patently Miami as their ability to swing from irreverent to introspective from one verse to the next.
Mario is also a high school friend of Mike's. In this sit-down, they talk about Mario's beginnings in music, the similarities and difference between their creative processes, and Mario's maturation as an artist. Mario also gets into the mission work he does in his mother's hometown in Cuba.
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Pan Con Podcast
Cuba’s eternal “apagón”: How the U.S. could usher in change to the island’s power grid … and its political system.
Michael Beltrán