Sef "Burger Beast" González on his pioneering food blog, skydiving & the prank he pulled with Guillermo Del Toro

A chance encounter with a great burger at a Miami pizza joint led Sef González to snap a photo of it on his Motorola Razr. That grainy flip phone photo was the beginning of Burger Beast, one of Miami’s first and best known food blogs.
Sef González, creator of Burger Beast and author of “All about the Burger: A History of America’s Favorite Sandwich.” [photo: Nicolás A. Jiménez]
Sef joined Mike on this episode of Pan Con Podcast to talk about blogging, his burger museum, his burger book, his events, frita history, skydiving, and the Chug Burger, which topped Sef’s list of the best burgers in Miami.
We also took our first ever phone call on the podcast when artist and past guest Peter Santa-María called in to set the record straight on his role in inspiring a Foo Fighters song and the prank that Sef pulled on him with Guillermo Del Toro.
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