Blind Tasting: hummus with chef Sasha Ariel Ullman (Sabra, Boar's Head, Ithaca, Whole Foods, Cedar's)

Sasha Ariel Ullman makes hummus all the time for her clients as a private chef. In this video, we had her try a selection of hummus brands you can find at your grocery store to determine which were worth buying and which you should leave on the shelf. Boar's Head, Cedar's, Whole Foods, Ithaca, Roots, Sabra, Publix — watch to find out which came out on top.

Nicolás Antonio Jiménez is the founder of DADE. He’s always working through his rotation of writer, podcast host, podcast producer, photographer and editor hats.
A Miami native and graduate of the Missouri School of Journalism, Nick’s background includes work in democracy promotion, human rights advocacy, content marketing and magazine journalism (most recently as senior editor of Cigar Snob).