Tasting menus, Cobra Kai, racism, guns and riots

Mike Beltran and Nick Jiménez took this guest-free episode to get caught up on Ariete's monthly tasting menu dinner series and what its significance has been to Mike and his crew during the strange circumstances created by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Some of the dishes from Ariete’s July tasting menu
[images: Andrea “Fuji” Lorena]

After that discussion (and a surprise visit from Matt Kuscher), the podcast's attention turned to widespread protests, racism, rampant rioting, and the moral questions we have to confront when armed citizens — including a minor — take it upon themselves to defend property and communities from destruction.

Editor’s note: This episode includes discussion of the riots and shootings that took place in Kenosha, Wisc. Wednesaday, August 25. We had this discussion late at night on August. 27. Here’s a breakdown of shooter Kyle Rittenhouse’s movements that night as compiled by The New York Times.


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