podcasts, Pan Con Podcast, politicsMichael BeltránArieteinterview, podcast, Michael Beltran, Miami, restaurants, immigration, politics, Martha Bueno, Miami-Dade County Commission, local politics, Miami-Dade County, Libertarian
Martha Bueno on local politics, small business, and making government work better

Martha Bueno is an entrepreneur, activist and candidate for a seat on The Miami-Dade County Commission. Though she’s running without party affiliation, she calls herself a libertarian and had previously worked on Hispanic voter outreach for Libertarian Party presidential candidate Jo Jorgensen’s 2020 campaign.
Martha joined Michael Beltrán at Ariete for a discussion on why she’s involved in local politics, its relationship to small business, COVID relief spending, and more.

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for access to the extended cut of this interview.

Blind Tasting: hummus with chef Sasha Ariel Ullman (Sabra, Boar's Head, Ithaca, Whole Foods, Cedar's)
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Michael Beltrán