The Liberated Podcast — an introduction

In this first, very short episode of The Liberated Podcast, I’m just taking a minute to introduce myself and the podcast.
I’m Nick Jiménez, and this is where I’ll have conversations with people about how we understand, secure and exercise our freedoms.
This first installment is a short one. Just a few minutes for introduction so that, if you’re new, you have some idea of what this thing is … and what it is not.
First, a bit about what it is. On this podcast, as with other podcasts like Pan Con Podcast and Step Into The Sandbox, we’ll be doing primarily long form interviews on the subject of freedom. While that has the benefit of lightening the editing load a bit, that’s mainly because I want these podcasts to be a way to dive a little deeper than we could in other formats.
For purposes of what this podcast is about, when I say words like “freedom” and “liberty,” I’m defining them very broadly. The first episode, for instance, gets into some pretty explicitly political themes with a former member of the Libertarian Party who — at the time we recorded that and now as I record this — was running for office. But I expect to bring in guests who have things to say about other kinds of freedom. Maybe religious freedom. Artistic freedom. Freedom from addiction. What freedom looks like in the home or in relationships. Who knows? It’ll be a lot of things.
That said, I do come to a lot of these discussions from a particular perspective, and I’ll generally make that known. I’m a lot of things — a lowercase libertarian, an uppercase Libertarian, a Cuban, an American, a journalist, a Catholic, a home cook, a dog owner … All that (not necessarily in that order) and more will inform what I do with this podcast and I won’t pretend otherwise.
Now a bit about what this podcast is not.
This podcast is not my personal soap box. I’m bringing my perspective to it as I explore ideas with my guests and with you, but the idea is not to make this the corner of the Internet where I pontificate about liberty stuff.
This podcast is not an echo chamber. Yes, I’ll bring in people who agree with me. But I’ll also bring in people who don’t. That’s part of the thing. Besides, I don’t think there are any two people anywhere who agree on everything.
Finally, as with other podcasts, this thing is not just for Miami. It’s from Miami. And it might in some ways, at some times, be very Miami. But the goal is always to make something that’s from here that’s for people everywhere.
That’s it. The rest can come together as we go.
Feedback’s always welcome.
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Nicolás Antonio Jiménez is the founder of DADE. He’s always working through his rotation of writer, podcast host, podcast producer, photographer and editor hats.
A Miami native and graduate of the Missouri School of Journalism, Nick’s background includes work in democracy promotion, human rights advocacy, content marketing and magazine journalism (most recently as senior editor of Cigar Snob).